Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Week 8 Blog Prompt:

For this week, you may choose any current affairs topic that you feel strongly about and write a 200-word reflection on it. The topic you have chosen may be any article or issue that you have been reading about inNewsweek, Time, The Straits Times or any other platform. Do not limit yourself to the ideas covered in class. Your entry should reflect insights and thoughts to the theme/topic- no superficial glossing over of ideas please.

The topic for this post shall be about the Rebekah Brooks and Murdoch scandal.I felt shocked to the core of my very being when I read the article about the News of the world having hacked into the phone of a then murder victim.The hacker deleted the messages in the phone, hoping for more messages to come in. This caused the police to believe that she was still alive when she was not and the police continued on investigations which were a waste of the time of the police. Most people then thought it was just a small matter as hacking in the media then was rife but when the story mushroomed the whole population were on fire.The story had blown up to epic proportions as not only just the celebrities and the royalty's privacy was disturbed but also the family of murder victims and those who perished in the 911 incident.I feel that going to such lengths for juicy gossip for tabloids is unnecessary, well come on whats wrong with sitting down in a comfy armchair with a book instead.Do not think that we do not have any part in this case, it is us the readers who buy such tabloids, come on i do not see what is wrong with settling down in a nice comfy armchair and read a book instead. It is us who have caused a demand in the market for such gossip to be published for us to buy. Our demand has caused them to resort to such underhanded and treacherous means in or der to obtain such stories , breaching norms of journalism
Also concerning Rebekah Brooks I am disgusted with her denying that she knew about the hacking but not to such a large extent as i do not know of any editor that does not know about the origins of the very own stories that they are going to vet and decide its newsworthiness

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