Monday, August 15, 2011

Week 1 Blog Prompt: (Post reflection on "The Soldier")

Young men in Singapore, including you, will have to do National Serivce. Why do you think National Service is compulsory in Singapore and why is it important? In the poem, the speaker expresses his love for his country, England. Do you find this same spirit of passion and patriotism Singaporeans have for our country? Why? Do you have this same spirit of patriotism for Singapore? Why?

Consider your loyalty to Hwa Chong. Are you proud to be a Hwa Chongian? How have you shown your loyalty and pride as a student of Hwa Chong?

Yes, We do have to do National Service and my friends we have to do National Service in Singapore as in the case in Malaysia. Since I am Malaysia born i would be serving mine in Malaysia but that would not be much of a distance except maybe that we have to only serve a period of 3 months and both male and female are randomly selected to go for service but I guess It will not make much of a difference then. Well I think that National Service is compulsory in Singapore as we have a first handed experience the woe of not being able to defend ourselves and having to depend on others instead during WW2.It is also important in the case of Singapore, being a multicultural country there is bound to be quarrels between races with National Service serving as a platform to help them come together and understand each other.The spirit of patriotism can be found in Singaporeans but not all as they may see no point in defending it with the peace that we are having.In my case I am not really sure that whether I can be patriotic as actions are louder than words but I hope I would be able to be patriotic whenever my home country is facing threats.
Yes definitely I am proud to be a Hwa Chongian as I have sacrificed much to be here in the Hwa Chong Family losing sleep just to go to school and extra study time .How have I shown my loyalty? It would boil down to the definition of loyalty as there are many forms of loyalty but I shall strive to be one as I am not sure whether I have fufilled it, but anyway being loyal to your school is not jst a one time one moment onee deed matter it is ever lasting,

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